To treat breast cancer, blood cancer, lambun cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer or colon cancer and liver cancer. do not consume enough mangosteen peel only, because the content of antioxidants in the skin of the mangosteen can repair the damaged skin cells, and in his skin xanthone compounds containing 123.97 milligrams per millimeter of skin mangosteen.
The way is to eat mangosteen peel, you can make it into juice, tasty treat for interfering with its content as well, or add a little honey. by consuming mangosteen is auto substance contained in it can repair damaged cells in the human body.
Oh yes, this mangosteen peel can also treat heart disease, hypertension, thrombosis, etc..
may be useful
Ikut menyimak artikelnya Gun :-)
waduh bang... kirain mau bikin jus manggis :D
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